Features you’ll want in your used car!

| 01 January 2023

Looking at buying a used car here’s what features to look out for! Here’s a handy guide to help you with 5 components to make life easier.

  • Apple CarPlay/ Android Auto

In this digital age, many of us now rely on google maps for most journeys. If your budget allows, buy a car with a media screen that supports Apple CarPlay/ Android Auto. It’s ‘hands-free’ but goes beyond functionality. As a desirable feature, it’ll help your car retain value.

  • Air conditioning!

It’s a must have, keeping the interior of your car comfortable – cooling in the hot summers the UK now tends to experience, heating up to give an ambient temperature in the winter months.

  • Auto-fold/ heated side-view mirrors (wing mirrors)

Crucial to aid visibility when driving, they will only help you see driving areas behind and to the sides of your vehicle if, firstly, they are clear, and secondly, they are intact! Heated wing mirrors are a great advantage in poor weather and auto-fold goes a long way to stopping them being damaged when parking on narrow streets, in the supermarket and other tight spots.

  • Spare wheel

Although it’s not illegal to drive without a spare wheel, it makes sense to give you peace of mind. All cars used to be manufactured with a spare wheel in the well of the boot. Then this was reduced to a temporary small wheel. Now, many modern cars do not have one at all as manufacturers are under pressure to aid fuel economy in every way possible.

  • Parking sensors

There are now many hi-tech features to make driving both safer and easier with Driver Assist. One feature that comes highly recommended is parking sensors – particularly if you are a new driver. They make life much easier!

Whatever features are on your wish list, remember to do your research to help you find the perfect car for you!

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